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Schedule 2024

Marketing Mix Modeling at Scale & Speed: Revolutionizing Local Market Approaches with MMM

Andrew Grosso  (CPO / Co-Founder, Pickaxe Foundry)

Kevin Hunt  (Paid Media Director, Lee Enterprises)

Location: Room 32B

Date: Wednesday, October 23

Time: 2:10 pm - 2:50 pm

Pass Type: All Access, Main Conference, Digital

Theme: Marketing Analytics

Session Type: Session

Track: Measurement & Modeling

Vault Recording: TBD

Audience Level: Intermediate

MMM is having a resurgence, but it can still be cumbersome to set up initially and even harder to scale across a large enterprise with multiple products. Hear from Head of Marketing Strategy at Lee Enterprises, Robert Zibell, who is leading the rollout of marketing mix modeling across Lee Enterprise's nearly 350 publications in hundreds of cities across the US at once. You'll also hear from Andrew Grosso, CPO at Pickaxe Foundry, who supported Lee Enterprises in their MMM rollout.

Learn how Lee leverages their understanding of local news and Pickaxe's deep understanding of Marketing Mix Modeling to cost-effectively create custom models that allow for each local publication to combine national insights, while still adjusting to trends (and news events).

Pickaxe has worked with Lee Enterprises on an MMM rollout that takes into consideration all of the elements that affect subscription numbers. Working with Pickaxe, Lee is able to take into account factors like seasonality, pricing, and platform to refine their strategy and grow their base.


- Learn how Marketing Mix Modeling can be tailored to address industry-specific needs and complications
- Learn how to incorporate hundreds of models that can work together and separately for different business objectives
- Understanding how MMM, when expertly customized, delivers scalable and complementary results across your product suite and across hundreds of markets.