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Schedule 2024

Fast-Track to Launch: Harnessing AI for Messaging Campaign Validation at Scale

Sunny Hunt  (Senior Strategist, Convince & Convert)

Jenna Rutschman  (Director of Marketing Strategy, Colleges, University of Arizona)

Location: Room 32A

Date: Wednesday, October 23

Time: 10:10 am - 10:50 am

Pass Type: All Access Pass, Digital Pass, Main Conference Pass

Theme: Marketing Analytics

Session Type: Session

Track: AI & Machine Learning

Vault Recording: TBD

Audience Level: Intermediate

Generative AI can't replace humans in gathering sensitive qualitative data (at least not yet), but it can significantly speed processing and extracting insights at scale.

The University of Arizona worked with Convince & Convert to launch an evergreen campaign for students and staff. The campaign needed to resonate emotionally, drive awareness, and be prescriptive without being annoying or pushy. Time was also of the essence as registration had a hard deadline.

Using closed-source generative AI, we were able to not only perform a virtual focus group to collect data on values and attitudes about campus life but we were able to establish core messaging themes essential to creating a resonant campaign. We not only collected qualitative data, but we were able to parse it 230x faster using generative AI tools vs. regular processing methods, allowing for stronger validation and the ability for the campaign to launch 4+ weeks faster.


  • Gathering first-party qualitative data to validate messaging.
  • Using generative AI to increase speed & efficiency when parsing qualitative data at scale
  • Leaning on the right tools and data sources for effective message validation