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Schedule 2024

How to build a state of the art Marketing Attribution model that is completely automated and connected into advertising platforms

Martijn Hosten  (Manager Digital Analytics, TUI)

Halewijn Schoonjans  (Digital Marketing Technology Lead, TUI)

Location: Room 32A

Date: Tuesday, October 22

Time: 11:10 am - 11:50 am

Pass Type: All Access Pass, Digital Pass, Main Conference Pass

Theme: Marketing Analytics

Session Type: Session

Track: Measurement & Modeling

Vault Recording: TBD

Audience Level: Intermediate

Many attribution tools fall short due to limitations suchs as being a black box, no possibility to connect with other paltforms, manual work, unstability,... At TUI we have built a custom, end-to-end marketing attribution model based on statistical state of the art algorithms that would answer to all the limitations we experienced in the past. . The process that we have built is completely automated, hosted in Google Cloud and connected into our different advertiing platforms such as Meta, Google,... The output can be used for budget allocation, reporting and real-time bidding adjustments.


  • By building our own model we can now report and visualize our insights on multiple levels of granularity: channel, platform, campaign and even click or keyword level.
  • By connection the model with our advertising platforms we allow our marketers to make real-time bidding adjustments
  • By building our process in Google Cloud we can ensure stability, automation and efficiency