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Schedule 2024

Holiday Growth Hacks: Yes, There's Still Time, and No, You Don't Need Your Developers

Patrick Soch  (Senior Director, Digital Transformation, e-CENS)

Location: Room 32B

Date: Wednesday, October 23

Time: 10:10 am - 10:50 am

Pass Type: All Access, Main Conference, Digital

Theme: Marketing Analytics

Session Type: Sponsored Session

Track: Driving Growth

Vault Recording: TBD

Audience Level: Intermediate


This session is perfect for advertisers thinking they missed the opportunity to improve customer engagement, marketing automation, and revenue growth this holiday season. Even if you are in your holiday code freeze period (and most of you probably are), this presentation will cover some creative and effective ways that you can tune up your customer engagement channel performance (Email, SMS, App Notifications, Browser Messages), some good housekeeping to help ensure good deliverability and overall channel health and reputation, and multiple quick-win tactics to help grow the value of existing customers, get prospective customers into your engagement journeys even before they purchase, and how to ensure you set yourself up for great success beyond the holiday season with all the new customers you acquire during this peak time.


  • Practical methods for measurement that can be easily implemented with a low code/ no code approach.
  • 1st Party Data use cases that require little to no reconfiguration of your CRM/ CDP data, that can produce big results.
  • Site-side offers and practices that are proven to push revenue during and after the holiday rush.
  • Taking care of foundations: list hygiene, preference center optimization, and maximizing sign-up rates.