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Schedule 2024

AI & Marketing: Measurement and Analytics, in a privacy-first world.

Suraj Rajdev  (Head of Data, Measurement, & Analytics, Google)

Location: Room 32A

Date: Tuesday, October 22

Time: 10:20 am - 11:00 am

Pass Type: All Access Pass, Digital Pass, Main Conference Pass

Session Type: Session

Track: Measurement & Modeling

Vault Recording: TBD

Audience Level: Intermediate

The advertising landscape is undergoing a dramatic transformation. Consumer habits are evolving rapidly, with new media platforms and content formats constantly emerging. Simultaneously, privacy regulations are shifting the ground beneath traditional measurement methods, leaving marketers in need of new tools and strategies. In this pivotal moment, embracing AI and fueling it with data-driven approaches is no longer a futuristic aspiration, but a critical necessity for success. This presentation will equip you with the knowledge and insights you need to navigate this changing terrain and thrive in the new era of marketing.


  • Understanding the challenges and the moment in time we are in in terms of privacy
  • What is Google's POV on how AI plays a role in the future of the industry
  • Tangible things can do to prepare and take advantage